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“My family has always been a poor family of fishermen, including me, my brother and my father, who taught me everything I know. We weren’t the lowest class so I could go to school and learn to talk politely.

That day the three of us went into the great sea like we always did almost every day. We were trying to catch the biggest fish we could find, they were paid better than the little ones. Even if my father was good with forecasting the weather and the possibility to find fish in the sea, that day he failed. Almost six hours passed and we couldn’t catch any fish so we decided to head back home.

We were turning back our ship thanks to our wooden oars when a gigantic shadow covered us. All of us initially thought that the shadow was due to a cloud, but we saw it when we turned our heads back.
In front of us, there was this enormous killer whale that had the mouth of a crocodile.
I used a lot of bad words back then…

So, the monster was almost 15 meters (50 feet) tall and was pretty scary. I almost passed out due to the fear when it made a piercing scream looking towards us. The scream was so strong that my brother and I covered our ears with our hands. My father instead stood calm and unmoved.
We were in front of this monster and we didn’t know what to do. At least that’s what I thought that time.
Then the monster attacked. It was slow but the power it showed was going to making me shit in my pants. I think that I didn’t do that, but I pissed them for sure.

When the monster was almost eating our boat with a single bite, I was on the edge of passing out but I’m pretty sure that I saw my father blocking it. He moved his hands in a circle like he was dancing with them. That was the last thing I saw before passing out.
An abundant flush of water woke me up. We and the boat were soaked from top to bottom but the monster was there, lying in the sea in front of us with its belly towards the sky.
My brother was still intact while my father had blood pouring out from his hands and his ears.”

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